Author: DockChip

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Data Analytics: A Modern Way of Analyzing Data

     Data Analytics is the domain of the science of analyzing the raw data to draw fruitful conclusions based on that information. It is a science that helps individuals and companies make sense of the raw data and then deliver insights and trends based on it. It is a vast process involving steps like inspecting the raw data, cleansing it, then transforming it, followed by modelling the raw data to ...

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Big Data: A Tool for Dealing with Massive Data

     Big Data is a field of Science that is a combination of structured, semi-structured and unstructured volumes of large data collected by organizations. It is a term applied to the way of analyzing huge amounts of data which either may be too large or complex to deal with, systematically extracting information from it and then successfully drawing insights based on it. In Big Data, advanced analytical techniques are used ...

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Data Science: A Next Generation Science

     Data Science is the field of study that manages vast volumes of data by making use of modern tools and techniques to derive meaningful information, find unseen patterns and make important business decisions. It is an important part of any industry today as in almost all industries massive amounts of data are produced daily. The popularity of this domain has increased manifold and companies all over the globe have ...

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Artificial Intelligence: A Replica of Human Intelligence

     Artificial Intelligence is a wide-ranging domain of computer science concerned with the simulation of human intelligence demonstrated by machines. It is a revolution creating technology wherein the software used by computers reciprocates various aspects of human intelligence. The basic purpose of Artificial Intelligence is to enable computers to perform various human intellectual tasks such as decision-making, problem-solving, learning, reasoning, providing perception, analyzing data itself, understanding human communication and many ...

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Machine Learning: A Future AI Technology

     Machine Learning is the Science that allows software applications to work on their own without being explicitly programmed thus enabling them to become accurate at predicting results. It is a way of programming the machines by using the historical data and based on that asking them to predict the new output values. It is the study of computer algorithms that automates the analytical model building by improving automatically through ...

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Cloud Computing: The Remote System

     The word “Cloud” refers to all of the things that can be remotely accessed over the internet. Typically, the Cloud refers to all the servers that are accessed over the internet and also the software and databases that run on those servers. Anything that is stored in the Cloud is actually stored in the internet servers instead of the hard drive of any computer or technology. What is Cloud Computing? Cloud ...

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VPN: A Web Shield

     A Virtual Private Network (VPN) establishes a secure network connection between the user and the internet. It describes an opportunity to establish a protected network when the user is using any public network. With the help of a VPN, all the data traffic of the user is routed through an encrypted virtual tunnel and also it does provide a secure channel against all external malware attacks. What is a VPN? A ...

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SSL, TLS & HTTPs: The Security Layers

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was the most widely deployed cryptographic protocol to provide security over internet communications before it was succeeded by TLS (Transport Layer Security) in 1999. Despite the deprecation of the SSL protocol and the adoption of TLS in its place, most people still refer to this type of technology as ‘SSL’. SSL provides a secure channel between two machines or devices operating over the internet or ...

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DNS: An Intermediate Resolver

     The Domain Name System (DNS) is a centralized part of the internet that provides a way to match the names of the website that you are seeking to find to the address or number of the same website. It is a hierarchical naming system for web-associated devices such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, and services or other resources that are connected to the internet or any other private network. ...

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API: Application Programming Interface

     API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message or check the weather on your phone, you’re using an API. It is a set of functions that allows applications to access data and interact with external software components, operating systems, or micro-services. To simplify, ...

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